UI/UX Design, Prototype

Config Analysis

Config Analysis is a mobile application built for business owners. It's allowing them to have versatile insights into their business. Depending on the package that the client is using, they can enjoy a variety of features that will allow them to manage and overview their business with ease.

Main Project


Design a clean mobile application for business owners. Allow them to take a quick and detailed overview of their business and not feel overwhelmed in the process.


An efficient mobile application with a fine balance between a clean and versatile interface. This application will be connected to the already built POS system.


Lead UI/UX Designer




During the research phase, I sought to understand the frustrations our clients go through everyday and what information impacts their business the most.

After a few sessions with my team and talking to our clients we come up with these insights:

  • 1. Clients normally have more than one company with multiple Business Units
    • 2. Clients want full company analysis both with single or multiple unit analysis:
    • - Company analysis is done only on one company at a time
    • - Units are treated as filters which will bring clients more flexibility
    • 3. Clients want to see:
    • - Unit Comparison by time
    • - Revenue Unit Comparison
    • - Income line chart
    • - Top items
    • - Sales filtered by category
    • - Staff sales overview
    • - Loyalty report
    • - Warehouse status
    • - Receipt overview
    • - Revenues and expenses
    • 4. Sale Reports:
    • - Time
    • - Sector
    • - Staff
    • - Payment method
    • - Sale


Upon opening the application you will have an option to choose in which language you want to continue. Because the application is connected with an already built POS system you will have a created account.



On the dashboard, you can see custom charts for your business. In addition to the dashboard, you will have expandable top and bottom sections. In the top section, you can choose your business units. At the bottom section, you can set your time constraints.

Dashboard Closed
Dashboard Open
Dashboard Expanded


In the left sidebar, you can choose between your companies and do an analysis with pre-built filters for them. In the right sidebar, you can have additional different filters at your choosing.

Left Sidebar
Right Sidebar

Complex Charts

Certain charts will allow you to filter out details and create calculations on top of them.

Complex Charts


One click away from changing your theme, language, and other details.
